Friday 18 October 2013

The Impact of Malayan Union

The establishment of Malayan Union was a dramatic increase of the spirit among the people in Tanah Melayu. From this establishment, the people started to awake and realize the reality and have commitment to help each other and cooperate in opposing the Malayan Union as Malays said “Bersatu Teguh Bercerai Roboh”.

The formation of UMNO was increased the patriotism among the people to protect their own country. As for this, UMNO obtained many support from not only the Malay society but all the society in the Tanah Melayu such as from Malay Nationalist Party, Indian Malay Congress, Malayan Democratic Union and All Malaya Council of Joint Action. With so many objection and protest from the society, the British government finally decided to cancel out the formation of Malayan Union. They considered that if this formation was continued, they position in Tanah Melayu might be compromised and they afraid to lose the trust and loyalty from Malay society.

In order to gain the trust again, the British finally agreed to remain the power of Sultan and tightening of citizenship laws for Chinese, Indians and others and the in return the Malay society agreed to the British proposal to set up the Federation of Malaya as a mutually acceptable frame of government to replace the Malayan Union. After having so many discussions, the federation of Malay was established after the British took measures the opinions of Malay citizen.

How the Malay Opposed Malayan Union and Why They Opposed

The establishment of Malayan Union got many objections and protests from the people in Tanah Melayu especially Malays. This is because the Malays will lose their specialty and right if the Malayan Union is set up in Tanah Melayu. Furthermore, one of the characteristic of Malayan Union is to give freedom for the foreigners to come and out of Tanah Melayu easily.  

A large number of migrants would become Malayan citizens and the Malays feared that they would be outnumbered. And as for this, the Malays started their opposition by wore white band at their head, as a symbol of their mourning on the loss of their ruler’s power

In addition, the way Sir Harold Mac Michael got the signatures from the Sultan was not appropriate as he was threatening the Sultans and this kind of situation makes all the people felt angry. Moreover, to help the Malays in opposition of Malayan Union, the authority started organized United Malays National Organization (UMNO) in 11 May 1946 and led the opposition against Malayan Union.  UMNO got many supported from the people and also from the ex-officer that ever worked in Tanah Melayu for defend and protect the country. The first president for UMNO was Datuk Onn Jaafar. 

The Reasons of Establishment of Malayan Union

Malayan Union was established by the British government after the World War II to make the British governor run the management of every state in Tanah Melayu smoothly. This is because, after the World War II, officer in Tanah Melayu having a difficulty in managing their country as many parties want to interrupt the government of Tanah Melayu and because of this, the British established Malayan Union in Tanah Melayu. 

The British wanted to save the cost of administration of each state as the British lost a lot in the World War II and rule the Malay Peninsula as one government. This idea actually was first brought by British officer, Sir Harold Mac Michael on October 1945. Moreover, this idea was supported by the British government and because of his idea, the Malayan Union was established in Tanah Melayu.

However, this idea also was a good idea as it actually wanted to give a freedom to the citizen to learn and apply how to conduct their own government. The British want to train the society of Tanah Melayu especially Malays people how to conduct and manage their own country without need help from the other parties.

Malayan Union and It Objectives

After World War II, the British government was announced to unite all the states in Tanah Melayu in one government. As to make this became a reality, Malayan Union was being introduced. Malayan Union was a federation which is declared on January 1946 at King’s House, Kuala Lumpur. 

The first governor for this federation was Sir Edward Gent, Permanent Secretary Assistant of the British Colonies and by this federation, the governor has the power to administer and manage the Tanah Melayu and the Sultan and Malay chief in every state will lost their power in mange and organize the flow of the state.

The purpose of this federation is to simplify the administration, make it easier for the British to rule as it unifies Peninsular Malaysia under one government as they want to take advantage of our country as our country has a lot of economic resources. There were 9 from Malay states which are from Negeri- Negeri Melayu Bersekutu and Negeri-Negeri Melayu Tidak Bersekutu were supposed to be combine with Melaka and Pulau Pinang to be under the federation of Malayan Union. 

What Make It Was Abolished

Malayan Union or also known as ‘Penyatuan Melayu’ was a special event for Malaysia. This is because from the objections and protests of Malay people and also the government with the support from the other parties, the Malayan Union was abolished and was replaced by Federation of Malaya or also known as ‘Persekutuan Tanah Melayu’. 

The characteristics of Malayan Union which was neglected the Malay society and give a nationalism free for foreigner make the Malays felt anger and being stab back from the British government and as for this, the Malay actively participated in demonstrations and discussion to show that they were really disapproval about this federation. The Malays society started to do demonstration in each state by walking along the road while holding the banners and with the shout “Hidup Melayu”.

Moreover, the Sultan and the Malay’s chiefs in every state also supported the disapproval as it only gave benefit to the British government not to the Tanah Melayu. The British officer that ever worked in Tanah Melayu also gave their opinion and objected this federation. After considering all the aspect, Malayan Union was abolished and been replaced with Federation of Malaya.

References / Bibliography

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